How to Add widgy Widgets

Hi I’ve made a new advanment with my aesthetics!  from now on i will be using widgy to make / add widgets which has a lot of perks.

 I can now deck out the widgetts with callenders clocks music he works! i wasnt doing it before be cause it would be to much to hav everyone who downlods them add them by them selves. Easier to add now you can set them up much easier Theres a bunch more that i can’t think of right now! Okay now to the tutorial .

Theres a few ways too ad them but i will be focusing on the one i use

QR Code

Heres how to use this method

How to Add Widgets on IOS

Widgets are an important part of iPhone aesthetics. But if you are wondering how to add them then you are in the right place

Where can I add them?

There are dozens of apps where you can add widgets but the tutorial will be using Widgetsmith cause it is the one I use.

Step One

Open Widgetsmith

step one

Step One

Choose your size (I’m doing large) and scroll down to Add (size) Widget




Step Two

There are many different types of widgets but we are going to to use image so click that and choose your photo

Step Three

Go home and hold down to edit home screen click the add button and type Widgetsmith

then choose whatever size widget you want

Step Four

Now hold down on the widget and choose “Edit Widget”

Then select the widget you just made

And your done, now you an add all the icons you want


The widget used is from the Coquette iPhone aesthetic